Asia Group Industries
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[Electronic parts][Electrical parts][Precision parts][Plastic housing][Metal parts][Others]


The following are some of the precision parts.

Example 1.

watch-housing.jpg (64784 bytes)                   watch-pom.jpg (26402 bytes)
An example of watch movement base made of thermoplastic.

After years of evolution, many metal pars for watch manufacturing are replaced by plastic parts.  The above is an example of watch mechanism being made of PPS plastic material (black color), and POM material (white color).

Example 2.

pom-parts.JPG (87531 bytes)
The above are magnified battery insulator, also for watch.

Example 3.                                                 Example 4.

lens.JPG (15448 bytes)                                           key-assm.JPG (91482 bytes)
Above left is a small lens for audio equipment.  On the right side, these screw assemblies are the components for some automation machinery.  They are made of steel alloy and copper alloy.

Example 5.

gears.jpg (17914 bytes)
The above are examples of gears for camera and some office equipments.